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Complaint of a cinema

Everytime i go into the cinema,my eyes cast upon the obscene on the wall,
you can find every kind of foul word written on it.
I felt utterly dissapointed as the morality of the recent society has declined day by day.

Once i sit on the chair inside the cinema,i found that something slippery on it & i shifted my seats.
I wondered who was so inconsiderate and acted in such disgusting way.
I hope the people can be more considerate and responsible so that the atmosphere inside the cinema can be better.

another thing i notice is the loud audience in the theater, you can hear them screaming over their phone. Maybe they did mute their phone, but it was in vain if you speak over the phone.
Hey, we pay for the movie not your conversation.

By the way, i am disgusted with the intimate actions by the fondling couples in the dark.
i could not believe what they did in the dark, illuminated by the light from the screen.


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